Saturday, September 25, 2010

a special world with just you and me
a special bond one cannot see
we have each other to talk and hold
the love we share is more precious than gold
you never fail to make me smile
could be wrapped in your arms for a while
never want to lose a love like this
our relationship as precious as a first kiss
we can get through anything, we'll never part
we've been coping with obstacles from the start
from the beginning we've had a bond
of eachother, we've always been fond
we started out as just cool close friends
then the line started to blend
friends slowly turned into way more
i knew it was love, i was so sure
i go through life thinking about us
every decision, with you i discuss
i want us to have a future and be content
our love to be set in cement

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ghandi Quote

Dear Gandhi,  what happens when there's so much change you want to see, that you don't even know where to start? 
I am at a point in my life where I see things so differently. I almost want to do as much as I can to change the negativity I see, but who has enough time?  or the energy?  I want to make a difference through teaching but life threw me a hardball and decided to make teaching jobs impossible to achieve. 

I love the butterfly in this picture<3